My life in six words
My life in six words

my life in six words

Confident about using the online library.Students did, however, report on acquiring citation skills, as well as newfound confidence conducting research in general: Citations are annoying but necessary requirements.I find professors grade citations differently.The burdensome and antiquated tradition of properly citing sources-the bane of every beginning researcher-came in for its share of abuse: Researching can be a little complicated.Other students wrote in a similar vein, frankly addressing the problems and sense of discouragement that all researchers have felt: That student, who also wrote that she was familiar with the six-word genre and had enjoyed writing in it before, was able to speak to a common experience of library users with heartening humor. That memoir cleverly adopts the idiom of an imperiled comic-book superhero to express important affective aspects of the research process: the student has obviously felt frustration in her use of the library, while persevering to achieve a research goal. I found myself literally laughing out loud and replying with heartfelt smiley-faces to six-word library memoirs such as: If the success of an assignment can be measured by the enjoyment the instructor derives from reading students’ submissions, then this assignment was a smash hit. I want to read six-word memoirs that reflect all types of library or reading or research experiences, not just the perfectly happy ones. So have fun, don’t feel like you have to spend a long time on this, and by all means, if you want to express frustration about using the library, I am completely open to that.

my life in six words

Everyone who writes a six-word library memoir will get the extra credit (your memoir doesn’t have to sound like it was written by Ernest Hemingway or anything). This is meant to be a fun, easy way to earn an extra point. Contented quiet hours among beautiful books.Never really finished anything except cake.įor your extra-credit assignment, write a six-word library memoir and post it in this discussion thread: convey in exactly six words a library or reading or research experience.

#My life in six words professional#

  • Fifteen years since last professional haircut.
  • Here are a few examples from the SMITH Web site: The official Six Word Web site is The Six-Word Memoir works like this: people write a real-life story in exactly six words.

    my life in six words

    National Public Radio ran a story about it. The six-word memoir is a Web phenomenon and book publishing phenomenon. To introduce my students to the six-word memoir and convey my expectations for the extra-credit assignment, I posted the following in our online class: 5 That ice-breaking exercise builds a sense of community in the class while introducing students to the idea of writing within a genre and conducting peer review. “I know teachers all around the country, really, the world,” Smith has noted, “have used it all over, in grade schools, kindergarten, grad school.” 3 Community-college English professor John Yohe, for example, has his students create six-word memoirs and comment on them in small groups. The six-word memoir lends itself to classroom use. The genre was inspired by Hemingway’s ability to invoke an entire tragic tale in just six words: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Subsequent six-word memoirs tend to be lighter, such as the signature six-worder of SMITH founder Larry Smith: “Big hair, big heart, big hurry.” The mini-memoir made the jump from online to print with a cottage industry of books by Smith and coauthor Rachel Fershleiser, including Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure 2 and I Can’t Keep My Own Secrets: Six-Word Memoirs by Teens Famous & Obscure. 1 The rules are simple: write about your life in six words. The six-word memoir became an Internet and publishing phenomenon at the SMITH Magazine Web site. Having undergone the educational rigors of the LIBS 150 information literacy boot camp-database selection, Boolean searching, source evaluation, formatting citations, and other research skills-students appreciate the chance to earn an extra point toward their course grade with a fun, fast assignment that helps them reflect on life as a library user and academic researcher. As an extra-credit assignment near the end of the seven-week class, I ask students to write a six-word memoir about their library, reading, or research experiences. At University of Maryland University College (UMUC), I teach LIBS 150, an online, required one-credit library skills course for undergraduates.

    My life in six words